Thursday, July 18, 2013

Six Types of Nonbelievers

This is a subject I've never thought of, but the CNN article linked below is a thought-provoking look at the different types of atheists and agnostics identified by a UT-Chattanooga study.  They vary from active atheists to agnostics who wholly embrace uncertainty to non-believers who never think in terms of religion/nonreligion at all.  It's a good little read, and as the study says they may find many more types as more study is made.

Where am I?  At this time, somewhere between seeker-agnostic, intellectual agnostic, and anti-theist.

Behold, the six types of atheists – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

Tuesday, July 02, 2013

From a Social Media Conversation

A quote from myself in the midst of a Facebook conversation on how the ugly brand of social conservatism blames protestors for their supposed anti-social conduct and continues to brand "takers" with a scarlet T ... using the Texas SB5 anti-abortion bill drama as a backdrop:

Believing that people should bend over without complaint while they're being screwed -- and that they are somehow immoral people if they fight back -- is part and parcel of a supercilious conservatism that wishes to force the genie of the '60s back into the bottle.